Monday, December 22, 2008

hard to decipher

was that? YES !! We want a preview. Or no we are done fucking with you because we realize you will too truly put our fucking asses where they belong if we continue.

I'll need another sign.

And minus the broken bits in my driveway because THAT is too totally confusing.

It was easy to see that today was a whole airplay.

BUT, again it's hard to decipher ...

is that YES, we want the preview of what will send us to prison on youtube.

Or, no thank you we finally remembered who you are and you may go about your business now along with all those you love and we are done fucking with you.

His tag is going here, irregardless.

You DO realize that kid came out and wandered all over the place and finally ended up in the car, right?
YOU DO REALIZE that all of that is on video, correct?

Including the threatening looks my way.

The obvious targeting.

So, anyway .. I'm confused.

A simple yes WE WANT A PREVIEW a big Y or something.

Or NO we'd rather NOT ... big N.

Were I a cunt like some you have I'd blackmail you with it. But that would be a CRIME and I am not a criminal.

Still ....

Anyway, what's it gonna be?

Enough street theater and on with the answer.

Yall are seriously kidding me when you tell me that folks like you actually get people to do what you want them to do.

Very stupid people.

BIG Y for YEAH put it up so we can be sure you got something.

BIG N for no and we're done fucking with you.

See, choices.

Choices are a good thing. You just make a LOT of bad ones.

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