Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey Mike plus SHOOTER

I can call you shooter, right??? I mean one of you will have to eventually fess up to shooting at me cause I'm having a hard time choosing.

Anyway .... here's the deal: Did you borrow that blower from mr. bathrobe?? Cause I've never EVER seen you use one before.

Interesting how you started the minute my door opened (hey tattoo tome boy) and then stopped the minute I walked back inside.


But, all you really have to do for the moment (cause I'm busy busy busy bitch) is think about the OJ trial ... and the last time we saw each other up close and personal, right???

That's all you need to do.

Along with long conversations with your friends in ummm what was that????

oh yea I remember.

You think you're smart fucking around.

I just laugh.

Soon you'll figure it out.

Now, thank you once again for the fine documentation. I picked up a few skills and friends on the lamb so .... hang in there. It'll be worth the wait.

You know you're fucked right.

If not ... better slow down the alcohol consumption and call your smartest friend.

They'll tell you.

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